James Cameron’s “Avatar” has wow-factor to spare (Review)

James Cameron’s AVATAR is, to put it mildly, the WOW-movie of the year. Or any year. You’ve never seen anything like this. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. You know you want to see it — so just go see it. It’s everything it has been proclaimed to be. But before I even goContinue reading “James Cameron’s “Avatar” has wow-factor to spare (Review)”

Roland Emmerich’s “2012” is insanely entertaining

If you’re not a fan of “Independence Day” or “The Day After Tomorrow” or “Armageddon” or “The Poseidon Adventure” by all means, bypass 2012 at all costs and you can stop reading now — but if you did like any (or all) of those movies, then run, do not walk, to your local theatre toContinue reading “Roland Emmerich’s “2012” is insanely entertaining”